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Workplace investigations

Workplace investigations

A workplace investigation is a process conducted by the employer to address complaints or concerns related to workplace alleged misconduct.

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Magazine Article

Magazine Article

Very excited to be featured in Frontieres magazine. The article talks about my love of the workplace psychological contract and also my passion for helping people become mentally well and treated equally. 

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Brain Injury

Brain Injury

Dismissal of client with a brain injury. We are currently preparing for an Appeal Hearing for a client who was unfairly dismissed. Consideration was not given to the effect of his disability with regards to reasonable adjustments, especially associated…

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Visually Impaired

Visually Impaired

Amazing insight into the abilities of visually impaired people. I was able to take my training glasses off, but for individuals with a visual impairment, they have to learn to adjust to their physical condition. Despite grieving the loss of their sight, they are incredibly positive and fun with exactly the same desires as everyone else, including the desire to work.

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Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue

After ‘accompanying’ a client to an Appeal Hearing for being given a Formal Capability Warning for Chronic Fatigue, we have just had the warning overturned and the organisation accepted that they were in the wrong. Now my client will get the proper ‘reasonable adjustments’ in the workplace.

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Fun Lunch

Fun Lunch

Great day with Paul, Tracy, Colin and the gorgeous Pedro and Sprit. After a fun lunch we spent the rest of the day laughing and talking about our families, hobbies and work.

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Innovative interview techniques

Innovative interview techniques

Flexible HR service Radio interview on innovative interview techniques for disabled candidates Further to our ITV Meridian news article which focussed on interviewing individuals differently, I

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Interviewing autistic individuals

Interviewing autistic individuals

Amanda is passionate about breaking down barriers to employment and is aware of the difficulties that disabled and autistic people face, particularly at the interview stage.  As part of the ITV Meridian Diversity

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Mental health and sport

Mental health and sport

Protecting our physical and mental wellbeing is paramount not only to the quality of our lives in general, but also our ability to function at work. Due to Amanda’s passion and understanding

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“Menopause” and its disability?

“Menopause” and its disability?

3 more hot sweats last night!!It’s not the hot weather, it’s the menopause!!A recent Employment Tribunal ruling suggests that the physical and psychological effects of the menopause could constitute a disability.

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Employing neurodiverse people

Employing neurodiverse people

In the UK, only 16% of autistic adults are in full time employment, despite a very high percentage wanting to work.An IT and compliance business called Auticon has become the first enterprise to exclusively employ adults on the autistic spectrum, as IT consultants.

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Disability Confident

Disability Confident

Disability confident scheme is a government scheme designed to help employers recruit and retain disabled people for their skills and talent.The scheme:Allows employers to have a greater understanding of disabilityAllows disabled people to fulfil their potential

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Volunteering has many positive benefits for individuals that would like to step into paid work. It can:Increase your self confidence as you gain a sense of pride and identity.Increase your social and relationship skills.Benefit people with disabilities or chronic

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Termination Payments

Termination Payments

PILON is a payment made to an employee when employment is terminated without notice, instead of the employee working through a notice period and receiving pay in the normal way.

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Mental health

Mental health

Time to change is an organisation that is trying to get people to change the way they think and act about mental health problems. Many employers are now signing up to the charities ‘Employer Pledge’, which

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Here at Ethical HR Solutions we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us

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Why HR?

Why HR?

In the past HR was known as Personnel.  Its function was mainly administrative. HR today offers a more impactful service to your organisation with a wider scope within our remit. Here at Ethical HR

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Data Protection Act

Data Protection Act

Is your company GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) ready? Since 25th May 2018 a European Union edict requires companies such as yours to inform it’s users and clients about

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